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The first month is free! (At least in case of a one-year contract.) DISCOUNT OVER 60 M²!

Our Rentable Premises
Building 1I. flooroffice no. 112 (30 ㎡);  office no. 117 (45 ㎡);  office no. 118 (45 ㎡);  office no. 124 (15 ㎡)
II. floor
Building 2I. flooroffice no. 102 (22 ㎡); office no. 103 (21 ㎡); office no. 117 (14 ㎡); office no. 129 (105 ㎡)
II. flooroffice no. 214 (21 ㎡); office no. 223 (105 ㎡); office no. 226 (250 ㎡)
Shops and Showrooms
Ground floor
Last update: 2023-10-18